Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Beautiful constant

It's a stressful time for me: carrying a bread-winner title in my family, waiting for the much anticipated and dreaded verdict from medical schools, and trying to prove to my boss that he can trust me, a recent graduate from college, with all of his clinical research projects.

All of the above + incurable Type A Personality = dwindling sanity

This is, of course, just the beginning. I keep reminding myself that if all goes according to plan, life will only become more hectic from now on. More responsibilities will fall on my shoulders (even if they don't, I know that I'll go look for them). If nothing goes according to plan...life goes on, and new challenges will still come my way. Either way, 'tis the season for training to be a stronger person, and there's no better time than now.

Amidst the chaos, music is still the one constant in my life. One beautiful constant. Whether playing at church or in hospital rooms, the world stops spinning out of control for a few precious moment, and things are...okay. Strangely, nothing portrayed by music--be it pain, sorrow or anger--can be anything but beautiful. The psalms in the Bible (many inspired by nothing but sheer anguish) touch and comfort as powerfully today as they did the moment they were first sung. Tears break free as the heavenly sound touches every fiber of being. They are not only a sign of relief, but also of healing.

Thank God for music, His music. Few other things in this world can free a soul from her faulty body, from all the wrongs around her, and give her a small taste of what Heaven will be like.

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