Thursday, February 21, 2008

Assorted Fruits In A Basket

I have been writing mostly about the beautiful moments of volunteering with MOC. There are many of those moments, enough for us volunteers to keep doing what we do, and enough for the organization to keep growing with increasing support. These moments make us say, again and again, to each smiling face, "We're glad you enjoyed that; have a wonderful night."

But the hospital is the one place where all kinds of people come together. As my mother (a veteran nurse) likes to say, it is the last place in this world to be out of business. Though most people welcome our visits, there are bound to be some who do not. We respect the wish of those who aren't "up for it", and they generally tell us so nicely. Generally.
Last night we visited a "mixed" floor: geriatrics, orthopedic surgeries, etc. It was one of the most interesting nights I have had with MOC. A middle-aged man said curtly as he headed out of the door, pushing an IV pole, "I don't want to hear it." Another waved his hand at my guide, as if shooing him from the room, "I'm watching TV." And my personal favorite: an elderly man reacted to our introduction vehemently with "God, no! I don't like violins!!" And then there was one my guide did not even want to tell me what happened as he came out of the room, shaking his head in disbelief.
I found these reactions half amusing and half educational. Why they were amusing does not need much explanation here. On the other hand, the experience was educational because these reactions reminded me of the incredible diversity within which we live. I sincerely wish that these people have found other things that bring them joy and comfort.

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